Community Success Manager

TemboSocial is the industry leader in Integrated Social Collaboration and Recognition software solutions for larger enterprise companies. 

TemboSocial customers include Royal Bank, BMW, TD Bank and DTE Energy. These companies trust TemboSocial to motivate and inspire performance. As the Community Success Manager, you will build and sustain relationships, support customers day-to-day, become an expert on TemboSocial solution and train the customers on core capabilities and best practices.  And of course, you will be our voice on social channels.

Who you are:
  • You’re naturally curious like to share your knowledge with a clear and easy to digest style
  • Get bored easily? We like it. That means you’ll always be looking for new programs and processes to perfect
  • An innovative, creative problem-solver

What we're looking for:

  • 1-2 years in a software company; customer facing role is a must
  • Exceptional client facing skills including relationship management and verbal communication
  • Innovative and creative problem solving skills
  • Excited by the idea of working in an entrepreneurial environment where taking a leadership role even in a non-leadership role is the norm.

On a typical day you’ll:

  • Onboard new customers ensuring that accounts are properly configured leading to launch
  • Owning customer training on TemboSocial solutions and best practices 
  • Support & training. You will be the first point of contact for customers day to day, and will own and deliver scheduled online customer training
  • Communications.  You will sustain and evolve existing programs to keep customers up to date on new features as well as noteworthy stories and insights across several platforms
  • Nurture prospects. Manage the distribution of marketing newsletters, blogs and postings to social communities in coordination with the overall customer acquisition strategy


More great stuff!

  • Excellent compensation plan
  • We’ve assembled a great, friendly, group of people
  • Flat organization where ideas are sought and accepted from everyone
  • Top tier comprehensive benefits plan
  • Our clients are some of the largest companies in the world and they love us

Thank you for your interest, however only those are qualified and being considered for this role will be contacted. If you are not local to Toronto and not able to work out of the office Monday – Friday, please do not apply.

Send us your resume (

TemboSocial Inc.

An Equal Opportunity Employer