For all the "A" words that are woven into A+ employee experience - Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere, Any Language, etc - AVAILABILITY deserves to be at the top.
Engagement surveys ask staff:
- Are your leaders and direct managers approachable?
- Can you get an idea heard by the right person?
- Do you have what you need to do great work?
All of these are about availability.
It's our job to establish and maintain the conditions so that employees can thrive personally and drive performance for our businesses.
In removing the obstacles to opportunity we also need to ensure that knowledge and experience are readily available and easily accessible.
A study in Harvard Business Review review entitled "Maximizing Return on Your People", points to Knowledge Accessibility as a key driver of human capital.
Whether it's making job related information and training available or encouraging collaboration or sharing best practices, a key question in selecting tools to connect our people is do they drive availability?
Here's a story about how TemboSocial customer Ricoh USA, Inc. ensures that stories of what customer success actually looks like are AVAILABLE - every day, for every employee.