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Why Employee Engagement Matters

David Bator
by David Bator on November 28, 2011

We all know that engagement matters. When individual employees are engaged in the workplace, everyone benefits. Studies show that there is a direct relationship between employee commitment and revenue growth. By encouraging feedback, collecting peer-generated success stories, sharing them across corporate and departmental boundaries, you cultivate your greatest competitive advantage – social capital –  to earn discretionary effort,  attract talent and win loyalty.

By speaking WITH employees and colleagues – and not just at them – you invite them to participate in the conversation. When you do this you’re able to see – and measure – that great ideas come for all parts of an organization, not just the boardroom.

And when that happens, you build community.  We often joke that small is the new big – but there’s something to that idea.  Social tools allow you to make a big organization feel smaller, more intimate. What customers like MWV have witnessed is that by using these tools to make connections, have conversations and build engaged communities, individuals feel a part of something and are willing to give a bit more.

David Bator
Written by David Bator

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