How to Drive Engagement with Employee Feedback
The other day I came across a picture that struck me as funny but also a little sad. It was a picture of a typical Employee Suggestion Box...only it was attached directly to a paper...
Want Better Employee Engagement? Use your Employee Portal.
What do you do first thing when you get to work? If your answer is “check your email” you know what it’s like to fall down the rabbit hole. Email messages drive your attention to very...
How Sharepoint Can Help You Define Employee Engagement
We've been talking recently about how your enterprise portal can be a gateway to dialog with your workforce. When employees know that they can share their opinions and be heard by senior...
There's no "I" in employee engagement
Remember those middle school inspirational posters that reminded you there's no "I" in team? Well, the same is true of employee engagement: it's not a "one-man show," no matter how...
Happy Customers Starts with Engaged Employees
How satisfied are your customers? You can start by looking at your employees. There’s a growing body of research that suggests customer satisfaction is strongly tied to employee engagement...
4 Reasons You Should Care About Employee Engagement
Do you know how to motivate employees? According to a recent report by Deloitte, employee engagement remains one of the most urgent issues that companies need to tackle, following only...
RBC Proves Online Social Engagement Translates Into Offline Results
When RBC launched the Blue Water Project in 2007, there was a small but significant online social engagement component. Employees could gather online at the “Blue Water Cooler” and discuss...
Why being an 'irresistible' workplace is good for business
Is your company great to work for? Do you have people lining up to submit their applications? Will your talented teams stay with your for the long haul? If not, you might want to keep...
3 Things you can do to Make Employee Engagement a Top Priority
Dion Hinchcliffe notes thattechnology is accelerating at a rate far faster than the typical IT department can manage. This creates an "opportunity gap" where consumers are adopting...